Friday 31 May 2013


  This is the Dragon of Namek. When you make a wish with Porunga, the wishes must be spoke in the Namekian language. Porunga can grant 3 wishes. As with Shenron, there are 7 Dragon Balls and once the wishes are made the Dragon Balls scatter to the corners of the earth, but, instead of waiting a year you only have to wait a half year. You cannot wish for someone to be killed.

Although this Dragon can only grant one wish, he is used the most in Dragonball and Dragonball Z. After a wish has been made, the Dragonballs are scattered to the corners of the earth. Once someone collects them and a year has passed, you can once again make a wish with the dragon. The dragon was created by Kami, but, when Dende became guardian he re-made Shenron to be able to have more wishes, and for those wishes to be more powerful than before. You cannot wish for someone to be killed.

Thursday 30 May 2013

Naturon Shenron 

  After Vegeta killed a large number of innocent people, a wish on the Dragon Balls brought them all back to life. In this way, Naturon Shenron was born. Possessing the power of Earth, he delights in causing earthquakes and watching cities fall before his power. 
Dragon of the 7 star ball.

Oceanus Shenron

 The Dragon of Water and Wind, Oceanus Shenron, dons the persona of Princess Oto, who the residents of a small fishing village worship as a god. When asked which wish she was born from, Princess Oto becomes angry and embarrassed. 
Dragon of the 6 star ball. 
 Rage Shenron 

 Despite his small size, Rage Shenron carries a shocking power: electricity! He creates a slimy substance that draws the energy out of any object that it touches; the energy is then transferred to his body as strength. Rage Shenron was born when Goku wished himself back to life after Vegeta landed on planet Earth.
 Dragon of the 5 star ball. 
 Nuova Shenron 

 The Dragon of Fire, Nuova, was born when King Piccolo wished for youth when Goku was a child. With the power of the sun and of fire at his disposal, Nuova is more than a challenge for Goku. Things really get hot when Nuova's brother, Eis Shenron, joins in the fray! 
Dragon of the 4 star ball. 
 Eis Shenron

The Dragon of Ice, Eis Shenron, is Nova Shenron's brother. Eis Shenron joins the fight against Goku and even has him down and beaten. Just as the Dragon Balls have turned against their masters, Eis Shenron may find that turnabout is fair play. 
Dragon of the 3 star ball. 
Haze Shenron

 Haze Shenron is the Dragon of Pollution. He uses his powers to create a muggy fog that settles over the land and drains any person coming into contact with it of all their power and energy. He was born when Goku used the Dragon Balls to wish Bora back to life many years ago. Dragon of the 2 star ball

 Syn Shenron  

Syn is the ultimate evil power in the universe. Syn was born with the combination of all the evil energy given out by the corroded Dragon Balls making him the strongest of the dragons. Syn eventually absorbs all 7 Dragon Balls to become the awesome Omega Shenron giving him the powers of every Shadow Dragon. The Dragon Balls were used to restore life, but Syn has only one goal...the destruction of all life in the universe! 
Dragon of the 1 star ball. 

 Black Smoke Shenron

In Dragon Ball GT, after the death of Super #17, Goku and his 

friends put together the 7 Dragon Balls. Instead of Shenron appears 

a black dragon, that represents the negative energy accumulated for 

many years (because the Dragon Balls use positive energy). This 

Dragon is then divided into 7 evil Shenrons, each for every Dragon 

These wishes are all the wishes made with every single Dragon Ball. Technically, there would be a lot more wishes but they are not recorded or mentioned in the Dragon Ball series.


 1. The very first wish never was in Dragon Ball but Master Roshi told the story of it. The first wish was made by a man who wanted to become ruler of the world. When he did become ruler of the world, he took his powers for granted and brought evil across the globe.
 2. The second wish was made for the sake of all that is good. Good was finally able to conquer that which was all evil for a change.
 3. After Emperor Pilaf collected all the dragon balls to become ruler of the world, Oolong was able to intercept the wish before Pilaf could and he wished for a pair of panties made of the finest materials in the world. Sometimes I wonder if he wears them to this day.
 ---Alternate: In the Dragonball 10 year anniversary Movie the wish is used to restore Hatchan after being destroyed by Black.
 4. The dragon balls are finally recollected again after the Red Ribbon incident. Goku kindly offers the dragon balls to Upa to let him resurrect his father Bora.
 5. Piccolo Daimaou, who was Kami's evil side after he rid himself of all evil, wished to be younger so he could be more capable of fighting.
 6. Bulma wishes back all the people that were killed by Piccolo Daimaou.

Dragonball Z

 ---Alternate: Movie 1, Garlic Jr. wishes to be immortal. Sucks for him because he became trapped in the dead zone.
 7. After about a year of being dead from the fight with Raditz, the seventh wish was made to bring back Goku so he could fight against Vegeta and Nappa.
 ---Alternate: Movie 2, Dr. Wheelo's assistant wishes for the ice to be broken up around Dr. Wheelo's lab.
 8. This was the first wish made with the Namek dragon balls. Piccolo is wished back so that the earth dragon balls would be restored and that he could fight Freeza.
 9. Immediately made after the wish to bring Piccolo back, Dende made the wish to teleport Piccolo to Namek. The wish did not put him on random location on Namek. After this wish was made, the third wish could not be made because the dragon balls turned to stoned due to the death of Guru.
 ---Alternate: Movie 3, Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan wish for the forest to be restored like it was before the fire.
 10. This wish was made by Mr. Popo as soon as he collected the dragon balls. He wished for all the people on Namek killed by Frieza and his men to be brought back to life. This had included Guru because Frieza's cruel ways and constant killing of Namekians had poisoned Guru's heart with sadness and despair, killing him. This enabled the third wish to be made with the Namek dragon balls.
 11. Made with the remaining wish on the Namek dragon balls, this wish for all people on Namek except Freeza and Goku to be transported to Earth.
 12. The Namekian dragon balls followed Guru back to earth, Guru made Muuri the eldest Namek. After 130 days, the twelfth wish was made to bring Krillin's body back to earth. Since his body was disintegrated on Namek and that if he was wished back he would be wished back where he died, where he would die again because there is no oxygen in space.
 13. The second wish with the Namekian dragon balls was to bring Krillin back to life.
 14. With one wish remaining, Yamcha was brought back to life. Tien wanted to stay with Chiaotzu since there was only one wish left. Yamcha fell in the water because after Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu died in the Saiyan battles, their bodies were brought to some place in the heavens which was not shown in the English version.
 15. The Namek Dragonballs are brought back together to bring back Chiaotzu with the first wish.
 16. Tenshinhan is then brought back to life with the second wish.
 17. They were going to bring Goku back to life with the last wish but they find out he was already alive, so instead they were going to have him transported to earth but Goku did not want to come. So the final decision was to teleport all the Nameks and the Namekian dragon balls to a new planet Namek.
 18. The eighteenth wish was to bring back all the people who were killed by Cell. Goku chose to remain dead as he was the cause for most of the problems ever since Emperor Pilaf. This wish was made for the first time with Dende's New Earth Dragonballs.
 19. The second wish of Dende's Dragonballs (the New Earth Dragonballs can grant two wishes instead of one), was made by Krillin to have the detonation devices to be removed from Android #17 and #18.
 ---Alternate: Movie 10, wish was made to have help to defeat Broly. The help they got was to have Goku be relived for the time until Broly was defeated. Basically, Goku was alive for 4 minutes. These probably weren't made with Dende's Dragonballs for the balls scattered after only one wish.
 20. Wish for the people who died from the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament to be revived. Most were killed by Majin Vegeta. Kibito was also revived and was able to restore energy to Gohan and the Supreme Kai.
 21. Made with the Namek balls again, the Earth was restored. The Earth was destroyed by Majin Buu.
 22. The second wish of the Namek Dragonballs at this time was to have everyone except evil hearted people killed by Babidi and his men to be brought back to life. Earth was basically returned to normal.
 23. This wish was to restore Goku's energy back to full. This wish was made just in the time just as Goku was dieing. This enabled Goku to kill Buu.
 24. This wish was to make everyone (except the Z warriors) forget about the Majin incident so that Buu and Vegeta would not be hated and would be accepted into society. And also, so that people will have no fear of the earth ever exploding again and that there is powers out there in the universe capable of doing so.
 ---Alternate: Movie 13, The Z Warriors gather the dragon ball to open up a box that was given to them by a suicidal man. Inside the box was Tapion.

Dragonball GT:
 25. First wish made in the GT series, Pilaf collects the Black Star (or 'ultimate') Dragonballs and accidentally wishes for Goku to be a kid. His original plan was to become ruler of the world, like usual.
 26. The second wish made by the Black Star dragon balls, Vegeta Baby wishes for a planet exactly like the old Planet Vegeta to be made.
 27. Due to the Black Star Dragonballs' curse (where the planet the wish with the black star Dragonballs is made is destroyed), they re-gather the Namek Dragonballs to wish for Earth to be restored (again!).
 28. A failed wish for everyone who was killed by the opening of the Gates of Hell to be restored with their lives. This wish failed due to negative energy build up within the Dragonballs over the years.

 29. After the Evil Eternal Dragons are defeated, a wish is made to have everyone who died in the last round of fighting to be restored.
Dragon Radar

The Dragon Radar was built by Bulma and is used to find the location of the Dragon Balls whether they're moving, not moving, under water, anywhere that they might be the Dragon Radar can find them. It has a single button on top, it is used to turn it on or off as well as zooming in on the Dragon Ball or zooming out. This is not used to find the Dragons even though its called a Dragon Radar. In Dragonball GT they use one of these to find the Black Star Dragon Balls around the universe but it is later eaten by a friend they find along the way. After Giru eats the Dragon Radar he becomes the Dragon Radar and helps them continue finding the balls.

Black Star Dragonballs

These balls were also created by Kami, but when he was originally fused with Piccolo, since Kami was so strong when these were created they have incredible power and you can wish for ANYTHING.

 1. Must gather all seven Dragon Balls
 2. Chant required
 3. One wish per gathering
 4. After the wish is made, Shenron will disappear
 5. The Dragonballs will not turn to stone and scatter themselves around the Universe
 6. Shenron can grant any wish (including destroying people)

 7. One year after a wish is made the planet the balls were used on last will explode
Namekian Dragon Balls

 The original set of Dragonballs which originate from the Planet Namek. They were created from the dreams of Guru, hence Porunga's meaning to be "God of Dreams" in Namekian. The Dragon Balls on Namek are much larger than the ones on Earth due to their increased power. Also Porunga is many times larger than Shenron for the same reason. To see a picture showing the size difference of the Dragon Balls and to see a comparison of the dragons (Shenron is the smaller one).
1. All 7 balls must be gathered in the same spot
2. Chant required "Takkarapto Popporunga Pupiritto Paro"
3. Three wishes per gathering
4. After the wish is made, Porunga will disappear
5. The balls will turn to stone for 130 days and scatter themselves around Namek
6. Porunga cannot grant a wish that exceeds Guru's power
7. Cannot wish for something that involves another being if they disagree with the wish
8. Cannot wish to revive some if they dies from natural causes
9. You can wish one person back per wish
10. Porunga can revive anyone infinite time
New Earth Dragonballs

 After Kami and Piccolo re-merge in the Cell Saga, the Dragonballs become useless, as they are linked to life force of the creator (Kami). But when Goku goes to New Namek to fetch the new Guardian of the Earth, Dende, he is given the power of the Earth's Dragonballs. Dende's Shenron is identical to Kami's as he used the original model of Mr. Popo, from which Shenron was originally created. He proceeds to power them up so they can grant 2 wishes instead of 1, then between the Cell and Buu Sagas, he powers them up further so they can grant 3 wishes. These balls look identical to Kami's the picture is just a different artist.

1. All 7 balls must be gathered in the same spot
2. Chant required
3. Only two wishes per gathering (3 wishes in Buu saga)
4. After the wish is made, Shenron will disappear
5. The Dragonballs will turn to stone for 1 year and scatter themselves around the Earth
6. Shenron cannot grant a wish that exceeds the creators power (Dende)
7. Cannot wish for something that involves another being if they disagree with the wish
8. Cannot wish to revive some if they dies from natural causes
9. You can revive any number of people, provided they died that relates their deaths

10. Shenron cannot revive anyone who has been revived before
Earth Dragon Balls

These are the original set of Dragon Balls for the earth. They were created when Mr. Popo asked Kami to give life to a small dragon model he had made. Kami did this but added the Dragon Balls onto this to give humans something to work towards. But they were misused for evil often and Kami was not going to allow their existence until good people like Goku changed his mind.

1. All 7 balls must be gathered in the same spot
2. Chant required (Chant changes a lot, big plot hole)
3. Only one wish per gathering
4. After the wish is made, Shenron will disappear
5. The Dragonballs will turn to stone for 1 year and scatter themselves around the Earth
6. Shenron cannot grant a wish that exceeds the creators power (Kami)
7. Cannot wish for something that involves another being if they disagree with the wish
8. Cannot wish to revive some if they dies from natural causes
9. You can revive any number of people, provided they died that relates their deaths
10. Shenron cannot revive anyone who has been revived before

This has been one of the most popular anime series ever made.

This is a cartoon series which started in the year 1984. It has been broadcasted in over 5 countries and it has been amongst the most popular cartoon anime series of all times.

This series revolves around a cartoon character named Goku. The series is based on the dragon balls which have the power to grant any 3 wishes of a person.

There have been 3 editions of this cartoon series. Namely Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT. This show has been most popular amongst the age group of 6 to 18.

This cartoon series gained recognition all over the world and it has been translated in many languages. This series became so popular in most places where it was broadcasted that the cartoon character of Dragon Ball were used for publicizing toys, video games and clothes.

The series originated in Japan and seventeen anime films based on Dragon Ball have been released in Japan. Many anime films have also been released out of Japan. Recently a Hollywood movie named as “Dragon Ball Evolution” was released worldwide and it was based on the cartoon character"GOKU"
The genius and creator behind Dragonball and Dragonball Z, 

Akira Toriyama 

has helped create over 20 different Anime/Mangas. Here you can find all about who this man is and all about his different anime/mangas.

How Akira Got Started:
Akira Toriyama wanted to become an artist. He studied art in high school, and by 1977, he got a job at one of the biggest and well known Manga publishers in Japan known as Shueisha. In 1978, he started a Manga called “ Wonder Island”. It wasn’t a big success, but gave him more confidence in his work. His next piece of work was called “Dr. Slump”, which was a huge success. His most famous piece of work however, is the “Dragonball” series, which is also explained on this page.
Akira Toriyama Timeline:
» 1955 = Akira was Born
» 1974 = Started School of Art
» 1977 = Quit School of Art
» 1978 = Akira's first Manga, Wonder Island
» 1979 = Created Manga Highlight Island
» 1980 = Toriyama's first Big Hit, Dr. Slump
» 1985 = Started the Dragonball Mangas
» 1995 = Akira Ends Dragonball Z
After Dragonaball Z had ended, TOEI Animation asked permission from Toriyama to continue the Dragonball trilogy with a new series called Dragonball GT. This new series aired in Japan from 1996 to 1997, and was no where near as successful. Toriyama was not directly involved with Dragonball GT, but he did supervise the development. As Toriyama's success grew he decided to open up his own studio know as Bird Studios where he was able to publish many more of his other stories and comics.
Akira Toriyama Was Staff In:
» Chrono Trigger (OVA): Art
» Chrono Trigger (SNES): Art
» Cowa! (Manga): Story, Art
» Dr. Slump (Manga): Story, Art
» Dr. Slump (Animes): Original Manga
» Dragon Boy: Story, Art
» Dragon Quest: Dai no Daiboken (TV): Producer
» Dragon Warrior: Design
» Dragonball/Z (Mangas): Story, Art
» Dragonball/Z (Animes): Original Story
» Dragonball GT (Anime): Original Creator
» Ikimarusama: Animation
» Kajika (Manga) : Story, Art
» Kennokai-sama (Movie) : Design
» Neko Majin Z (Manga) : Story, Art
» Pink Mizu Dorobou Ame Dorobou (Movie) : Design
» Sand Land (Manga) : Story, Art
» Shinsukesama: Animation
» The Apprentice Mangaka (Manga): Author
» Tobal No. 1: Design
» Wonder Island (Manga) : Story & Art
Akira’s Hobbies and Such:
Akira enjoys other subjects other than Manga. He enjoys being with his family, and rumor has it that he quit Dragonball for that reason. It sucked up too much time from his family. He also enjoys playing video games, and even did the art work for the well known game “Chrono Trigger” for the SNES, as well as other game



 Buu, or Majin Buu, was conjured into existence long ago by the evil wizard Bibidi. A powerful fighter who has destroyed many planets, Buu's rubbery body gives a him great advantage in battles. Like many of the villains in Dragon Ball Z, Buu exists in multiple forms, some more evil and more powerful than others. 


 Babidi, a magical creature with unusual powers, wishes to bring Majin Buu back to life. Babidi uses his powers to control people by bringing out the evil in their hearts. His father, Bibidi, was the creator of Buu.

  The most dangerous of all Dr. Gero's creations, Cell was created as a genetic experiment. He comes complete with a self-destruct feature, a scorpion-like tail that opens up to absorb the energy of his opponents, and instructions to wreak revenge on the Androids which caused Dr. Gero's downfall. Cell contains the DNA of the mightiest warriors of the universe including Goku, Piccolo and Vegeta. Possessing the DNA of these great warriors, Cell is able to fight with their attacks. With these great forces combined Cell is an almost invincible being. One of his greatest advantages is being able to regenerate at any given time from even the smallest component of himself. He gains power by draining the energy of his enemies using his scorpion-like tail. 


A reckless anarchist, an incomplete weapon, and a beautiful face that conceals a terrible power - these are the personalities of the trio of Androids waging a war to conquer the Earth. Android 16 is a synthetic giant with enough destructive force to destroy his allies single handedly. Android 17 was once flesh and blood, but human instincts no longer hold any power of this insane monster. And last, but certainly not least, there is Android 18. This horrifying femme fatale has the looks that kill - and a mean streak to match. The onslaught of these mechanized menaces places the human race in perhaps the greatest danger it has ever known.
The Ginyu Force

 The Ginyu Force is an elite team of powerful warriors. Unlike the rest of Frieza's minions, these mercenaries have earned their master's respect. Despite their evil and ruthless nature, the Ginyu Force does adhere to their own uniquely twisted code of honor. Don't be fooled by their devastating dance moves, the Ginyu Force will happily crush anyone who fails to tread lightly in their presence!

 Frieza loves death and destruction, and he's one of the most sadistic characters in the Dragon Ball Universe! He thoroughly enjoys making his enemies suffer before mercilessly sending them to their painful deaths. After learning of the Dragon Balls, Frieza races to Planet Namek in order to track down the magic orbs and wish for his own immortality. Without even death to fear, Frieza will become a truly unstoppable force of evil! 

 Nappa arrives on Earth with Vegeta seeking to conquer it. This muscular Saiyan soon gets very involved in vicious battles with Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu. Nappa has more brawn than brain and gets overexcited and careless when fighting. 

 A strong Saiyan warrior, Raditz comes to Earth originally to look for his brother, Goku. Angry and intolerant, Raditz can't understand why it has taken so long for his little brother to destroy the humans. Ruthless like all the Saiyans, he reveals that two even more powerful Saiyans will be coming to Earth in one year in order to destroy it. Unfortunately, his Scouter transmits information about the nature of the Dragon Balls to the Saiyans.


 Yamcha is a longtime friend and ally of Goku's, though he was once a notorious bandit. He is sometimes accompanied by Puar, his devoted cat companion. He is anxious and willing to be trained by Kami and join the upcoming battle against the Saiyans. Yamcha and Bulma were once a couple, but eventually Bulma moves on to Vegeta.
Tien & Chiaotzu


Tien is a three-eyed man originally trained by one of Master Roshi's rivals, though he eventually becomes a Z Fighter. He beat Goku at a worldwide martial arts tournament, is able to stop a waterfall with a blast, and can crush rocks on his head. His fighting techniques include the ability to hover in the air, throw concentration bombs, blind with flashes of light, and split into two or four separate entities. Tien is excited about being trained by Kami and willing to fight against the Saiyans despite the odds. He volunteers to be the first to fight against the Saibamen, wins the battle and goes on to fight against the Saiyans. Tien can communicate telepathically with Chiaotzu, his best friend.


A master of telepathy, Chiaotzu has the power to stop people in their tracks and to communicate telepathically. This white-skinned, red-checked little being is the devoted companion of Tien.


 Vegeta is a powerful Saiyan prince. He and his comrade Nappa are two of the last surviving Saiyans. They come to Earth to destroy all life and sell the planet. Though physically small, Vegeta can power up to unbelievable levels. Ambitious and determined, Vegeta wants the Dragon Balls to gain immortality. 


 Trunks is the son of Bulma - a headstrong, technical genius - and Vegeta - one of the most powerful fighters in the Dragon Ball Z universe. His exact age is not certain, but he first appears in Dragon Ball Z as a teen. He is from the future and has witnessed a threat to Earth which cannot be stopped. He has come back in time to try to save the future Earth, only to find our heroes in Earth facing their own peril.

 Much to the amazement of the Z gang, Trunks immediately turns Super Saiyan and defeats Frieza and King Cold. He gives Goku medicine to prevent his death from heart disease and tells them of Earth's coming predicament. The Z Fighters immediately go into training, and Trunks returns to his own time.

 Trunks returns to our timeline again in the Android Saga to ensure that the Androids do arrive on Earth. He is also born during this saga, so we have the opportunity to see him both as a teenager and a baby at the same time. He continues to exist as a boy and a teen until the end of the Cell Saga, when the older Trunks returns to his original timeline.

 Goku's one time archenemy, Piccolo is the second strongest being on the Earth. He has powerful energy blasts, can split into two or four separate entities, and has the ability to regenerate limbs. Originally from the far away planet Namek, Piccolo starts off fighting Goku to rule the world. When the Saiyans arrive he joins forces with Goku. At first it is an uneasy alliance, soon enough their bond becomes stronger. While training Gohan, Piccolo develops a special bond with the little boy. Through Gohan, the only person who has ever been a friend to him, Piccolo starts changing for the better.

 As a young boy, Krillin studied martial arts with Goku under Master Roshi. Originally, he and Goku were fierce rivals, but now they are best friends. A short, bald warrior, loyal Krillin provides comic relief in tense situations as he tries to keep up with Goku and some of the other more powerful warriors. A good fighter on his own accord, he's always there to help Goku. He can and has saved his friend's life more than once. Goku constantly encourages Krillin to have confidence as he learns to be a remarkable fighter.
Gohan The Son OF Goku

 Named after his adoptive grandfather, Gohan is Goku and Chi-Chi's eldest son. He is idealistic, good, and pure like his father.

 With Goku's departure to the next dimension and the eminent arrival of the Saiyans, Gohan is key to the survival of Earth. Thus Piccolo, a former enemy of his father trains Gohan for the upcoming battle. Although initially a wimp, Gohan's training in the wilderness and subsequent fighting make him both brave and loyal.

Monday 27 May 2013


Goku is the hero of Dragon Ball Z, the most powerful warrior on Earth. When the Saiyans arrive, Goku learns the mysterious secret of his own past: he is a Saiyan formerly named Kakarot. Goku was sent to Earth as a baby to destroy the planet, but a head injury as a child scrambled Goku's programming. Instead of growing up to become a destructive super-warrior, he became innocent and pure of heart, fighting for good.

Goku is peaceful, good natured, honest, loving to his family and friends, loyal, trustworthy, and brave. If he has a weakness, it is his trusting nature. He always finds the good in people when others don't see it, though Goku's enemies sometimes take advantage of his naive trust.